Thursday 4 October 2012


Jennifer and Sean joined a big multinational firm 3 years ago.
What are romantic relationships in the work environment?
Romantic relationships in the work environment are when two members of the same organisation develop a relationship with mutual attraction like romance. (Pierce et al...)
The development of Romantic relationships in the work environment and causes
According to Shelley Frost, Demand media. Romantic  relationship in the work environment develop due to the long hours people stay in the office rather than any other place, people turned to interact more with their fellow employees. They gradually get attracted to the others at the work environment making it possible to develop romantic relationships. In workplace people grow bonds with their co-workers during lunch meetings
Advantages of romantic relationships in a work environment
·       Energise workplace moral- people when are involved in the work place they become happier and be proactive at all the times.
·        Motivate employees because workplace romances are often viewed in a negative way, so the individuals involve they work hard to prove other colloquies wrong.
·        Creativity and innovation are aspects associated with attitudes because co-workers in a relationship spend a lot of time together both in and out of the workplace, so they discuss now approaches a techniques to completing projects together.
·      Improve teamwork, communication and cooperation, a couple’s relationship can provide further communication channels within the workplace especially if the individuals are members of different department, they become comfortable with each other
Disadvantages of romantic relationships in a work environment
·         According to psychological research romantic relationships in a work environment can be a serious threats to your behaviour and performance as an employee.
·         It can affect your relationship with the workers.
·         Destruct you from all your tasks.
·         Romantic relationships can cause favouritism to take place in a work environment.
Apparently it seems like in the work environment that is where we find our soul mates, but the work policy forbid that due to the potential conflicts and legal repercussions that may arise from liaison. What is your input about this situation your feelings and opinion.
For more information take a look at this book to be safe in the work environment and have a better knowledge. “Salvaggio, Amy Nicole, and Streich Michelle (April 2011). “Why do fools fall in love (At work?) “. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.


  1. I wuold say that romantic relationships in the work place are good because they promote goodwill and determinatin for people to work effectively for e.g people when are involved in the work place they become happier and be proactive at all the times

    1. I would like to agree with you when it comes to proactive and happily working environment but it's not good because some people they feel that everything will be done for the sake of saving the relationships, like you can't even afford to tell your partner to work or when she/ he is wrong because you being scared of hurting the other

  2. Saloma you right when you say it seems like nowadays the right place to find our soulmate its in the work environment, because we get to know each other very well since while we spend lot of hours in same place so I don't get it when other organisations forbide that because we are human beings and we do have feelings of which sometimes no metter how hard we try to ignore them we can't.

    1. I know that we have feeling that are hard to controll but the thing is what will happen if anything goes wrong in between the couples, their problems wont destract the work flow in the work environment?

  3. The policy that forbide romantic relationship must be dealt with, including everyone and a petition or survey research must be done to get each and everyone satisfied, because we have feelings and they can't be easily avoided. on my opnion I think getting involved with someone on the same level with you its the best.

    1. Ladies hold it there you wanna tell me you are in the work place for marriage"advertisment"?

    2. The policy its only protecting you guys against favouratism at the work and serious threats to your behaviour and performance as an employee.

  4. The policy it does not forbide relationships at work at all but it has terms and conditions
