Thursday 23 August 2012



Lisa and her mother Rose yelling at her.


To Love Mom and To Be Loved by Her...

Mother-daughter relationships are very important relationships and parents they're doing the best they can under the circumstances. They're only human and no one wrote a really good rule book on how they should raise us up even when we sometimes turn to disappoint or embarrass them in our communities. They are also having troubles in handling the pressure but because of the warm love they have for us they forever there to support and Cherish us.

The influence of menopause in between mother-daughter relationships

firstly menopause is the  ageing of women is the natural progression through stages of puberty, fertility and subfertility, According to my understanding menopause change our mothers behaviour especially to their daughters when they on the adolences or teen stage, they try a lot to compare themselves to us also became control freaks also they turn to be depressed, anxious, irritable very moody and aggressive more especially if they are single because they have no partners to take off their mood attitude in. Its hurts me a lot when I remember the connectedness and friendship i use  have with my mother compared to this monstrous stage that she's passing through that kills our relationship. So guys tell me one thing here how do you cope or deal with your parentss in their stage of menopause if they are being problematic?

Thursday 16 August 2012




Do you ever remember having a relationship  present or past without problems of some sort, this includes all types of relationships that you as an individual had in this world. Be it issues can be inflicted by our  own needs or  caused by external factors such as work and financial pressures  beyond our control. Can it be concluded that all relationship problems stem from poor communication skills, communication breakdowns, lack of emotional fulfilment ? looking at the relationship problem solving strategies concludes the answer.

Problem-solving strategies:

  • Make time ... yes, an actual appointment with each other, Shimberg says. put the cell phones on vibrate,  let voice mail pick up your calls.
  • If you can't "communicate" without raising your voices, go to a public spot like the library, park, or restaurant, where you'd be embarrassed if anyone saw you screaming.
  • Set up some rules ... like not interrupting until the other is through, banning phrases such as "You always ..." or "You never ..."
  • Remember that a large part of communication is listening, so be sure your body language reflects that. That means, don't doodle, look at your watch, pick at your nails, etc. Nod so the other person knows you're getting the message and rephrase if necessary. 

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Relationships with God verses Hardships


Stock Photography - pyramid of personal 
network relationships. 
fotosearch - search 
stock photos, 
pictures, wall 
murals, images, 
and photo clipart

Relationship is a mutual relation that we have with God in each and everything we do and go through, example for the fact that we wake up each and every day still breathing , alive and safe its all of his grace and the relationship we have with him even though we believe in him or not. He guide and protects us in everything we do. As the script from the bible says read proverbs 12:1, pro 13:8, 15:5 .


Hardships referes to trouble, affliction, suffering, misfortune and a condition hard to endure. Hardship applies to a circumstance in which excessive and painful effort of some kind is required, as enduring acute discomfort from cold, or battling over rough terrain. Privation has particular reference to lack of food, clothing, and  implies to deliberate control of emotional reactions.


It was back then in the year 2006 when I went to my high school level, that is where i meet this woman that used to rough like a lion in class. She disliked me for the fact that i did well in her subject of which it was Tswana and my classmates where struggling with it. each and every time it was her period It was my teary, sad moment. She would normally yell at me for nothing. It was very emotional for me, I even decided to live the school until my mother went to school to solve the problem. even today when i think of her i go like my high school years were not enjoyable (sad face). With God I never gave up and thanks to him.
Anyway what were your hardships?  lets share!!!! 

Thursday 2 August 2012




Relationships are about commitment for two or more people, each of  them is willing to know everything about the other and able to open up not judging.  


Relationships initiates from the inner person of which is controlled by God and they and cover from friends, family, sexual relationships, living together and marriage.
1. The first stage includes awareness and contact of the individuals for the first time they meet.
2. The communication behaviour which express a developing connection of a relationship.
3. The time spent together by the individuals also can help develop  mutual relationships.


Relationships  cover from frends, family, sexual relationships, living together and marriage. Time to time they can grow  from friendships to romance, romance to family and proffessional to friendly relationships. As   an  individual or    Public Relations student what kind of relationships are you having with your classmates or lectures, did you pass through the stages indicated here?