Thursday 16 August 2012




Do you ever remember having a relationship  present or past without problems of some sort, this includes all types of relationships that you as an individual had in this world. Be it issues can be inflicted by our  own needs or  caused by external factors such as work and financial pressures  beyond our control. Can it be concluded that all relationship problems stem from poor communication skills, communication breakdowns, lack of emotional fulfilment ? looking at the relationship problem solving strategies concludes the answer.

Problem-solving strategies:

  • Make time ... yes, an actual appointment with each other, Shimberg says. put the cell phones on vibrate,  let voice mail pick up your calls.
  • If you can't "communicate" without raising your voices, go to a public spot like the library, park, or restaurant, where you'd be embarrassed if anyone saw you screaming.
  • Set up some rules ... like not interrupting until the other is through, banning phrases such as "You always ..." or "You never ..."
  • Remember that a large part of communication is listening, so be sure your body language reflects that. That means, don't doodle, look at your watch, pick at your nails, etc. Nod so the other person knows you're getting the message and rephrase if necessary. 


  1. They say a good elationship must have ups and down.

  2. Yes they do but they must not end up making people to hate each other because of not knowing how solve those problems

  3. The most virtal aspect in relationship is communication, no matter the type of the relationship, without communicatio n the relation is just at a dead end so people need to communicate more in order to keep their relationship strong and alive as they play an important role in our lives.

    1. Communication is a key to srong relationships Elizabeth but not just communication, one shoud have a good communication skills and respect for the others

    2. I know that but not all individuals have respect or self respect.

  4. A good relationship is balanced between happiness and sadness.there is no perfect relationship unless people are faking it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Its no a metter of faking or pretending SA pride also respect and understading can limit those problems

  5. i think a strong relationship is built from a foundation that consists of respect and good communication. without that, theres no way foward no matter who gives you what kind of advice.

  6. Yes Nthabi respect is also a major problem in relationships, so it require to be valued.

  7. its a problem because in the society we live in today men and women are seen as equal ans so we as women have lost respect for our men in some way.

    1. That is very wise Nthabi and thanks for raising up such issues they realy distructing who we are.

  8. @nthabi its not just us women who disrespect men...the too disrespect us and even beat us up. how does one respect someone who does not respect her in return?

    1. @ Salms no, but we have to look at the factors that push that person to bit you and let it be that you not the one who cause that

      @ Saloma yes relationships do have problems and at the end they get solved with love and respect more with God's guidance

    2. Salma you right because respect is the first principle of a good relationship

    3. Atleast you know that Saloma and thank you

  9. Replies
    1. Indeed my sister and respect count alot in relationships along with better communication skills

  10. I think a strong relationship is built from a foundation that consists of respect and good communication. without that, theres no way foward no matter who gives you what kind of must first have self respect to be respected by other people

    1. Modise you right because you cannot expect to be treated with respect if you do not have self respect, it starts with you
