Thursday 23 August 2012



Lisa and her mother Rose yelling at her.


To Love Mom and To Be Loved by Her...

Mother-daughter relationships are very important relationships and parents they're doing the best they can under the circumstances. They're only human and no one wrote a really good rule book on how they should raise us up even when we sometimes turn to disappoint or embarrass them in our communities. They are also having troubles in handling the pressure but because of the warm love they have for us they forever there to support and Cherish us.

The influence of menopause in between mother-daughter relationships

firstly menopause is the  ageing of women is the natural progression through stages of puberty, fertility and subfertility, According to my understanding menopause change our mothers behaviour especially to their daughters when they on the adolences or teen stage, they try a lot to compare themselves to us also became control freaks also they turn to be depressed, anxious, irritable very moody and aggressive more especially if they are single because they have no partners to take off their mood attitude in. Its hurts me a lot when I remember the connectedness and friendship i use  have with my mother compared to this monstrous stage that she's passing through that kills our relationship. So guys tell me one thing here how do you cope or deal with your parentss in their stage of menopause if they are being problematic?


  1. It is so sad that us as young people cannot understand our parents through their old age and we forget that we will get old too. But parents sometimes also do not take the time to understand their teens and forget that times has changed. We cannot be brought up exactly like they were

    1. That is true Michell, parents they should get the fact that generations change along with time.

  2. Menopause is no excuse for any parent to compromise the relationship that she has with her daughter. Communiaction is always key, communicate to your mother about your feelings and try to reach an optimum decision, goodluck.

    1. Yes Mpho I hear what you saying but the thing is if you try and to talk to them and they pick a fight but not physical what you gonna do, the only option is to shutup until they realise that what they doing its wrong, you still need their love and support even though ageging is making them go crazy somtimes.

  3. you need to talk with her make her understand that you now can make wise dicisions

    1. I did young and free and for her to start behaving well it was the time I started to feel and look depressed,lonely and becoming very emotional because I felt that I was loosing the good relationship with her and I dif not know whats wrong.

  4. I do not have such experience because of the time my mother reach that stage I was still very young and the relationship Im having with my mother has never changed she is always there for me and I love her soo much

    1. Wow you should say thanks to God you did face that, its not easy hey

  5. I do have the experience but its not too bad because my parents they are always willing to listen to me even though they control me alot, its like they overprotective towards me. the solution to that I LISTEN to them and obey their wishes

    1. Yes Salma listening its the only option hey and there is no any book of guidance that tells you what to do, you just automatically comeup with solutions yourself that is the sad part of that.

  6. Tjooo menopause neh! parents they fail to understand our opinions and we forever wrong, but the solution to that is to never entertain their mood swing because you know whats going on, just listen and do what ever they want even though its not easy, I was very thankfull because I had a clue from school about menopause my teachers gave me the relevant facts about that and how to handle the situation

    1. Lol, Lawrance the experience its not nice hey, atleast yoy had a clue what was that with me it was somthing else.

  7. Relationships are hard to manage,but when coming to a mother and daughter relationship you just have to make it work.

    1. That is true entertainment because without our mothers we nothing, we need them more anything in the world

  8. Yes menopause change our parents behaviour to become moody also it makes them feel like they on the same age group with us is like they turn to loose alittle bit of their minds, so the only solution to that as we know that they are act not acting like that on purpose we should try a lot to accomodate them and respect them
