Wednesday 8 August 2012

Relationships with God verses Hardships


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Relationship is a mutual relation that we have with God in each and everything we do and go through, example for the fact that we wake up each and every day still breathing , alive and safe its all of his grace and the relationship we have with him even though we believe in him or not. He guide and protects us in everything we do. As the script from the bible says read proverbs 12:1, pro 13:8, 15:5 .


Hardships referes to trouble, affliction, suffering, misfortune and a condition hard to endure. Hardship applies to a circumstance in which excessive and painful effort of some kind is required, as enduring acute discomfort from cold, or battling over rough terrain. Privation has particular reference to lack of food, clothing, and  implies to deliberate control of emotional reactions.


It was back then in the year 2006 when I went to my high school level, that is where i meet this woman that used to rough like a lion in class. She disliked me for the fact that i did well in her subject of which it was Tswana and my classmates where struggling with it. each and every time it was her period It was my teary, sad moment. She would normally yell at me for nothing. It was very emotional for me, I even decided to live the school until my mother went to school to solve the problem. even today when i think of her i go like my high school years were not enjoyable (sad face). With God I never gave up and thanks to him.
Anyway what were your hardships?  lets share!!!! 


  1. Relationship is something that we all want to have with God or with people whom we live with but it is always difficult to follow the right ways of keeping a relationships in a good state.

    1. Thats true Moimane but with God our relationship is always safe and caring

  2. yah! neh! I realy have a good relationship with God because a every minit i talk to Him, and His always there when i need Him. Hardship that went through....., (crying)

    1. God is great all the time and that hardship of crying with God grace will fade away love

  3. I know the feeling when someone does like you,one of the teacher in my primary school was just like that.I was helped by my faith in God and the family support that i had.

    1. Yah it hurts alot hey, but with God here we are today, he never dissapoint you no meter how far you are from him the relationship is forever strong

  4. I do not take hardships as a challenge to me because I know that they are Gods task he just want to make sure if I believe in him or trust him

  5. The most emotinal hardship i experienced is FAILING my 1st year second semester modules,after failing thise modules i never gave up,then i failed again on my second year which felt like a train smash for me,felt like the world was ending as i had not failed before but through prayers and the God grace i was able to rise again and got the faith and courage to apply again, thankfully i was accepted and well things are going great again :-)

    1. He is great indeed Lez I was on the same page as you but look at us now we happy

    2. Oam those were very sad moments Elizabeth and thanks to God because he gave you a challenge that was nothing in your life look at you now you very happy and greatfull with his grace and the relationship is unbreakable

    3. Indeed he never dissapoint anyone Lawrance thanks for proving that

    4. That is proven Saloma, there is no one like him

  6. God loves us guys....and him giving you a challenge is his way of testing your faith. for example, would a teacher teach you from janUary to november without making you write tests to see if you can apply what youve been taught? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Salma that is very true hey, his challenge they are a way of taking you from the wrong place to the right one, guidance and there is always a way provided by him for you to over come those problems

    2. Yes his is the alpha and omega, through him you achieve alot and they are no dissapointments.

  7. The hardship I had experienced it was losing my job but with God grace I have a new job that i enjoy with all my heart. God never dissapoint anyone what he does is to take you from the wrong place to the right one

  8. You see LAWRANCE God is good at all the times he took you from the job that made you unhappy and gave you the perfect one, congrats!!

    1. Thank you Saloma and thanks to God for giving you such important facts to blog about, hopefully you pass with good marks, with faith in God you will make it.

    2. Thank you Lawrance and yes I will pass.

  9. Having a relationship with God its great because his forever there to guid and protect you
