Thursday 13 September 2012


Abusive relationships say No!!

PSA Abusive Relationships. government project
article.wn.comd caption

Abusive relationships are relationships whereby by someone is treated bad, being emotional and physical abused, its also when your human rights are being violated.  emotional abuse is about someone manipulating your emotions on a psychological level," Krumins explains. "And it goes beyond simple verbal bullying."
 Emotionally abusive relationships suffer feelings of conflict, grief, insecurity, feeling overwhelmingly stifled and that nothing they do or say is right or good enough.
Family and friends we are not objects and we deserve to be treated better, let us not tolerate abusive relationships no matter how poor or rich we may be.


  • They always yells, criticises and humiliates you, or puts you down and calls you names.
  • They  possessive and controls what you do, who you talk to and where you go.
  • They  paranoid and jealous, accusing you of cheating or betraying him when you haven’t.
  • They belittles or ignores your accomplishments and undermines special events in your life by acting out emotionally or aggressively.
  • They talks badly about your family and friends, attempting to alienate you from the people who love you.
  • They hurts you or threatens to hurt or kill you.
  • They forces you to have sex, or withholds sex from you as a form of punishment.
  • They expects you to have sex on demand, viewing you as a sexual property.
  • They blames you for forcing him/her to hurt or belittle you.
  • They withholds money or the use of a phone or car.
  • They explodes in unpredictable bouts of anger.
  • They threatens to commit suicide or harm/take your children if you try to leave him/her
  • These characteristics  are a way of learning and to avoid such relationships stay away, she or he doesn't love or value you!!! Share your opinions how do you feel abusive relationships?
    If you need help go to your local police station or contact FAMSA, SA Child council wellfare @ Telephone: 011 339 5741 or Woman abusetelephone: 0800 150 150


    1. M very strict when it comes to abusive relationships because in most cases people take advantage of who you are especilaly mans they feel like if they have enough in their pockets they have all the rights to mistreat others because they can always pay for what they do.

      1. That is very true Elizavbeth and the thing is that they use those less fortunate poor people to mistreat them.

      2. Exactly simlpy because they no that they don't have any means of powers to fight them, even when they make them get arrested bail for them its nothing

      3. Lol, all they need is the baret guys to hit them too

      4. YESSS Salma the barret police guys to discipline them or pass them the pain they are causing to the

    2. The same here no metter money or love when I feel abused I live the relationship because I know someone out there loves and value me pooor or rich, I dont go stick to someone who hurt me after give me the excuse like "bby I love you that's y M behvn lyk dis cnt afford to loose u" but you just slapd me what would stop you from doing that next time you loose your temper. NOOOOO TO ABUSIVE R

      1. Salma did you even know that some some people enjoy being beaten by their partners because they feel that they are loved and money is everything for them, even when they are emotionally unhappy

      2. Salma on that one I go with you I rather be alone and lonely. I get out of the relationship my feelings il deal with them alone even when it hurts

      3. Saloma you not for real, what kind of woman who feel loved by being beaten up by his man, she must be crazy and she needs some sort of a very serious councelling.

    3. The way I feel about abusive relationships it is sooo uncontrollable,it can even lead me to the fact that I can hate someone from abusing the other, I belive that one should be overprotectv like before you think of doing any bad or hurm to the other you think twice go like what it was me treated like that.

      1. I understand your feelings Lawrance, because its not nice to be treated bad personally so one should think like "what if it was me that other person abusing me the same way im abusing her or him"

      2. Lol Lawrance you wanna tel me you can destroy one for abusing the other?

      3. Not like physical but I can take serious measures for that person to pay for his or her wrong doings.

    4. Realy everyone deserveto be treated better and if someone abuse you he?she does notlove you.

      1. Yes young and free we must not take that, rather struggle with no money that you get from the abuser or find help else where.

      2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. LOve and money they do a combination but not a combinations of abusing the other guys

      1. Yes its also a combination of peace, love, respect and valuing each other.
