Thursday 4 October 2012


Jennifer and Sean joined a big multinational firm 3 years ago.
What are romantic relationships in the work environment?
Romantic relationships in the work environment are when two members of the same organisation develop a relationship with mutual attraction like romance. (Pierce et al...)
The development of Romantic relationships in the work environment and causes
According to Shelley Frost, Demand media. Romantic  relationship in the work environment develop due to the long hours people stay in the office rather than any other place, people turned to interact more with their fellow employees. They gradually get attracted to the others at the work environment making it possible to develop romantic relationships. In workplace people grow bonds with their co-workers during lunch meetings
Advantages of romantic relationships in a work environment
·       Energise workplace moral- people when are involved in the work place they become happier and be proactive at all the times.
·        Motivate employees because workplace romances are often viewed in a negative way, so the individuals involve they work hard to prove other colloquies wrong.
·        Creativity and innovation are aspects associated with attitudes because co-workers in a relationship spend a lot of time together both in and out of the workplace, so they discuss now approaches a techniques to completing projects together.
·      Improve teamwork, communication and cooperation, a couple’s relationship can provide further communication channels within the workplace especially if the individuals are members of different department, they become comfortable with each other
Disadvantages of romantic relationships in a work environment
·         According to psychological research romantic relationships in a work environment can be a serious threats to your behaviour and performance as an employee.
·         It can affect your relationship with the workers.
·         Destruct you from all your tasks.
·         Romantic relationships can cause favouritism to take place in a work environment.
Apparently it seems like in the work environment that is where we find our soul mates, but the work policy forbid that due to the potential conflicts and legal repercussions that may arise from liaison. What is your input about this situation your feelings and opinion.
For more information take a look at this book to be safe in the work environment and have a better knowledge. “Salvaggio, Amy Nicole, and Streich Michelle (April 2011). “Why do fools fall in love (At work?) “. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

Thursday 27 September 2012


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A formal relationships consists of feelings of respect, worship, acceptance and an adequate attitude to our supreme or subordinate human fellows,

Formal relationships exist between employers and employees, students and professors, between customers and operators of different organisations, like shop assistants, clerks, bankers etc.
Formal relationships should be valued towards strangers as well.

As an individual you need to
Learn about relationships that were mentioned, for in case you might find your self dissatisfied, for example if you feel that you are:
discriminated and Harased 
As an individual from  the moment you participates in the hiring process through the daily interactions of workplace activity, you must know that UCLA policies prohibit discrimination against or harassment of any individual. Discrimination and harassment includes your race, gender, religion, sex, nationality etc. One needs to know how to file a complaint and Filing a Grievance. This apply even in the educational institution because it is also formal, both  for the students, lectures and other employees. 
Open  for discussion
Is there any fail of complaint have you done in your life?
How was it, the experience and the way things were handle?
Was it easy for you to get the contact details ?

Thursday 20 September 2012


Professional relationships in work environment

 interaction, from the very first moment, regardless of who the person is ...

What are professional relationships

Professional relationships are non-sexual and working environment partner in relation to get things done not emotionally dependent.  They are  strictly and do not develop personal relationships,
Qualities of professional relationships in the work environment
As we all know that after our studies we going to be professional I found it so very necessary to inform you guys about the qualities of professional relationships as they help a lo in building the good image of who you are and not to get to comfortable when you at work environment. one needs to bary in mind that her or his duties comes first.
1. As an individual you need to be punctual be on time at all the times
2. During work time jokes must be limited
3. Know your deadlines do not be problematic with lots of excuses
4. You need to be reliable
5. Participate fully in the organisations activities and be able to offer some help
6. Know the policy of your organisation
7. Make connections
8. Care
Need more information consult with the website

Thursday 13 September 2012


Abusive relationships say No!!

PSA Abusive Relationships. government project
article.wn.comd caption

Abusive relationships are relationships whereby by someone is treated bad, being emotional and physical abused, its also when your human rights are being violated.  emotional abuse is about someone manipulating your emotions on a psychological level," Krumins explains. "And it goes beyond simple verbal bullying."
 Emotionally abusive relationships suffer feelings of conflict, grief, insecurity, feeling overwhelmingly stifled and that nothing they do or say is right or good enough.
Family and friends we are not objects and we deserve to be treated better, let us not tolerate abusive relationships no matter how poor or rich we may be.


  • They always yells, criticises and humiliates you, or puts you down and calls you names.
  • They  possessive and controls what you do, who you talk to and where you go.
  • They  paranoid and jealous, accusing you of cheating or betraying him when you haven’t.
  • They belittles or ignores your accomplishments and undermines special events in your life by acting out emotionally or aggressively.
  • They talks badly about your family and friends, attempting to alienate you from the people who love you.
  • They hurts you or threatens to hurt or kill you.
  • They forces you to have sex, or withholds sex from you as a form of punishment.
  • They expects you to have sex on demand, viewing you as a sexual property.
  • They blames you for forcing him/her to hurt or belittle you.
  • They withholds money or the use of a phone or car.
  • They explodes in unpredictable bouts of anger.
  • They threatens to commit suicide or harm/take your children if you try to leave him/her
  • These characteristics  are a way of learning and to avoid such relationships stay away, she or he doesn't love or value you!!! Share your opinions how do you feel abusive relationships?
    If you need help go to your local police station or contact FAMSA, SA Child council wellfare @ Telephone: 011 339 5741 or Woman abusetelephone: 0800 150 150

    Thursday 23 August 2012


    Lisa and her mother Rose yelling at her.


    To Love Mom and To Be Loved by Her...

    Mother-daughter relationships are very important relationships and parents they're doing the best they can under the circumstances. They're only human and no one wrote a really good rule book on how they should raise us up even when we sometimes turn to disappoint or embarrass them in our communities. They are also having troubles in handling the pressure but because of the warm love they have for us they forever there to support and Cherish us.

    The influence of menopause in between mother-daughter relationships

    firstly menopause is the  ageing of women is the natural progression through stages of puberty, fertility and subfertility, According to my understanding menopause change our mothers behaviour especially to their daughters when they on the adolences or teen stage, they try a lot to compare themselves to us also became control freaks also they turn to be depressed, anxious, irritable very moody and aggressive more especially if they are single because they have no partners to take off their mood attitude in. Its hurts me a lot when I remember the connectedness and friendship i use  have with my mother compared to this monstrous stage that she's passing through that kills our relationship. So guys tell me one thing here how do you cope or deal with your parentss in their stage of menopause if they are being problematic?

    Thursday 16 August 2012




    Do you ever remember having a relationship  present or past without problems of some sort, this includes all types of relationships that you as an individual had in this world. Be it issues can be inflicted by our  own needs or  caused by external factors such as work and financial pressures  beyond our control. Can it be concluded that all relationship problems stem from poor communication skills, communication breakdowns, lack of emotional fulfilment ? looking at the relationship problem solving strategies concludes the answer.

    Problem-solving strategies:

    • Make time ... yes, an actual appointment with each other, Shimberg says. put the cell phones on vibrate,  let voice mail pick up your calls.
    • If you can't "communicate" without raising your voices, go to a public spot like the library, park, or restaurant, where you'd be embarrassed if anyone saw you screaming.
    • Set up some rules ... like not interrupting until the other is through, banning phrases such as "You always ..." or "You never ..."
    • Remember that a large part of communication is listening, so be sure your body language reflects that. That means, don't doodle, look at your watch, pick at your nails, etc. Nod so the other person knows you're getting the message and rephrase if necessary. 

    Wednesday 8 August 2012

    Relationships with God verses Hardships


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    Relationship is a mutual relation that we have with God in each and everything we do and go through, example for the fact that we wake up each and every day still breathing , alive and safe its all of his grace and the relationship we have with him even though we believe in him or not. He guide and protects us in everything we do. As the script from the bible says read proverbs 12:1, pro 13:8, 15:5 .


    Hardships referes to trouble, affliction, suffering, misfortune and a condition hard to endure. Hardship applies to a circumstance in which excessive and painful effort of some kind is required, as enduring acute discomfort from cold, or battling over rough terrain. Privation has particular reference to lack of food, clothing, and  implies to deliberate control of emotional reactions.


    It was back then in the year 2006 when I went to my high school level, that is where i meet this woman that used to rough like a lion in class. She disliked me for the fact that i did well in her subject of which it was Tswana and my classmates where struggling with it. each and every time it was her period It was my teary, sad moment. She would normally yell at me for nothing. It was very emotional for me, I even decided to live the school until my mother went to school to solve the problem. even today when i think of her i go like my high school years were not enjoyable (sad face). With God I never gave up and thanks to him.
    Anyway what were your hardships?  lets share!!!!